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Transforming Schools for English Learners : A Comprehensive Framework for School Leaders by Debbie Zacarian TXT, DOC


Educators who are starting or looking to improve their programs will find hands-on tools and guidance for creating a school environment where English learners can flourish., Leading Schools with English Language Learners is unique in its focus on how principals and district-level school leaders can improve English language learner's academic performance and school engagement through careful and visionary planning of English language education programming. It also focuses on active engagement of English language learners and their families in the school community. The author's ultimate goal is to help administrators build a school environment where ELLs can flourish. Each chapter of the book will focus on a key element of English language education programming as it relates to the entire school.The author addresses such critical topics as selecting appropriate program models for schools and making data-driven decisions using effective measures of student performance. There are also full chapters on delivering high quality content lessons to ELLs, the importance of parental engagement, and identifying and working with ELLs with learning differences, which includes a detailed discussion of response to intervention., Position your school to successfully teach English learners Could your school be more effective at instructing its English learners? Whether you are just beginning to work with an emergent population or need to improve your program, this book provides a research-based and practical approach for creating a school environment where ELs can flourish. The author addresses such critical topics as: Selecting the appropriate program model for your school Making data-driven decisions using effective measures of student performance Delivering high-quality lessons Actively engaging parents Using RTI to identify and work with learning differences and disabilities, Whether you are just beginning to work with or trying to improve the outcomes of English learners, this book provides a comprehensive framework for educating a growing population of public school english learners. Each chapter focuses on a key element of EL education programming as it relates to the entire school. The author uses research-based principles and practices to address such critical topics as: selecting the appropriate program model for your school; managing time appropriately for English language development and content learning; making data-driven decisions using effective measures of student prerformance; and effectively using Response to Intervention (RTI). The author summarizes the key Supreme Court cases that led to the federal regulations for educating ELs. Also included is a framework for designing and delivering high quality instruciton, enhancing parental engagement, and creating a learning environment and whole-school community where ELs flourish.

Ebook Transforming Schools for English Learners : A Comprehensive Framework for School Leaders by Debbie Zacarian in EPUB, TXT