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Traditio Exegetica Graeca: Eusebe d'Emese. Commentaire de la Genese : Texte Armenien de l'Edition de Venise (1980), Fragments Grecs et Syriaques, Avec Traductions 15 by J.J.S. Weitenberg download ebook FB2, EPUB, DOC


Du Commentaire original d'Eusebe d'Emese sur la Genese, redige en grec vers le milieu du IVe siecle, seuls des fragments sont connus, incorpores dans la Chaine exegetique grecque et dans l'Epitome de Procope de Gaza. Il existe toutefois une ancienne traduction armenienne complete (ed. V. Hovhannessian, 1980). A cette documentation s'ajoutent des fragments syriaques conserves dans le Commentaire d'Iso'dad de Merv (IXe siecle). Le present volume regroupe les quatre rameaux de la tradition. Du Commentaire armenien, dont le texte est reproduit en entier, on trouve ici la premiere traduction dans une langue moderne. Les fragments grecs (dont ceux de Procope edites ici pour la premiere fois) et syriaques sont egalement accompagnes de traductions francaises annotees. Le volume permet, des lors, pour la premiere fois une vue d'ensemble de ce commentaire dont l'importance consiste en son originalite et en sa position intermediaire entre l'ancienne exegese syriaque et l'exegese grecque antiochienne de la fin du IVe et du Ve siecle. Eusebius of Emesa's Commentary on Genesis, which was written in Greek around the middle of the fourth century, is extant only in fragments preserved in the Greek exegetical Catena and in Procopius of Gaza's Epitome. An early translation of the entire Commentary, however, exists in Armenian (ed. V. Hovhannessian, 1980). In addition, Syriac fragments are preserved in the ninth-century Commentary by Iso'dad of Merv. The present volume brings together the four branches of the tradition. The Armenian Commentary is presented both in Armenian and in a French translation, the first translation in a modern language. The Greek fragments (those of Procopius edited here for the first time) as well as the Syriac fragments are also accompanied with annotated French translations. The present volume, therefore, enables for the first time a comprehensive view of this Commentary, the significance of which lies in the originality of its approach as well as in its intermediary position between ancient Syriac exegesis and Greek Antiochene exegesis of the late fourth and fifth centuries., Du Commentaire original d'Eus�be d'im�se sur la Gen�se, r�dig� en grec vers le milieu du IVe si�cle, seuls des fragments sont connus, incorpor�s dans la Cha�ne ex�g�tique grecque et dans l'ipitom� de Procope de Gaza. Il existe toutefois une ancienne traduction arm�nienne compl�te (�d. V. Hovhannessian, 1980). i cette documentation s'ajoutent des fragments syriaques conserv�s dans le Commentaire d'Iso'dad de Merv (IXe si�cle). Le pr�sent volume regroupe les quatre rameaux de la tradition. Du Commentaire arm�nien, dont le texte est reproduit en entier, on trouve ici la premi�re traduction dans une langue moderne. Les fragments grecs (dont ceux de Procope �dit�s ici pour la premi�re fois) et syriaques sont �galement accompagn�s de traductions fran�aises annot�es. Le volume permet, d�s lors, pour la premi�re fois une vue d'ensemble de ce commentaire dont l'importance consiste en son originalit� et en sa position interm�diaire entre l'ancienne ex�g�se syriaque et l'ex�g�se grecque antiochienne de la fin du IVe et du Ve si�cle.Eusebius of Emesa's Commentary on Genesis, which was written in Greek around the middle of the fourth century, is extant only in fragments preserved in the Greek exegetical Catena and in Procopius of Gaza's Epitome. An early translation of the entire Commentary, however, exists in Armenian (ed. V. Hovhannessian, 1980). In addition, Syriac fragments are preserved in the ninth-century Commentary by Iso'dad of Merv.The present volume brings together the four branches of the tradition. The Armenian Commentary is presented both in Armenian and in a French translation, the first translation in a modern language. The Greek fragments (those of Procopius edited here for the first time) as well as the Syriac fragments are also accompanied with annotated French translations. The present volume, therefore, enables for the first time a comprehensive view of this Commentary, the significance of which lies in the originality of its approach as well as in its intermediary position between ancient Syriac exegesis and Greek Antiochene exegesis of the late fourth and fifth centuries., Du Commentaire original d'Eus�be d'�%m�se sur la Gen�se, r�dig� en grec vers le milieu du IVe si�cle, seuls des fragments sont connus, incorpor�s dans la Cha�ne ex�g�tique grecque et dans l'�%pitom� de Procope de Gaza. Il existe toutefois une ancienne traduction arm�nienne compl�te (�d. V. Hovhannessian, 1980). �e cette documentation s'ajoutent des fragments syriaques conserv�s dans le Commentaire d'Iso'dad de Merv (IXe si�cle). Le pr�sent volume regroupe les quatre rameaux de la tradition. Du Commentaire arm�nien, dont le texte est reproduit en entier, on trouve ici la premi�re traduction dans une langue moderne. Les fragments grecs (dont ceux de Procope �dit�s ici pour la premi�re fois) et syriaques sont �galement accompagn�s de traductions fran�aises annot�es. Le volume permet, d�s lors, pour la premi�re fois une vue d'ensemble de ce commentaire dont l'importance consiste en son originalit� et en sa position interm�diaire entre l'ancienne ex�g�se syriaque et l'ex�g�se grecque antiochienne de la fin du IVe et du Ve si�cle.Eusebius of Emesa's Commentary on Genesis, which was written in Greek around the middle of the fourth century, is extant only in fragments preserved in the Greek exegetical Catena and in Procopius of Gaza's Epitome. An early translation of the entire Commentary, however, exists in Armenian (ed. V. Hovhannessian, 1980). In addition, Syriac fragments are preserved in the ninth-century Commentary by Iso'dad of Merv.The present volume brings together the four branches of the tradition. The Armenian Commentary is presented both in Armenian and in a French translation, the first translation in a modern language. The Greek fragments (those of Procopius edited here for the first time) as well as the Syriac fragments are also accompanied with annotated French translations. The present volume, therefore, enables for the first time a comprehensive view of this Commentary, the significance of which lies in the originality of its approach as well as in its intermediary position between ancient Syriac exegesis and Greek Antiochene exegesis of the late fourth and fifth centuries., Du Commentaire original d'Eus�be d'�m�se sur la Gen�se, r�dig� en grec vers le milieu du IVe si�cle, seuls des fragments sont connus, incorpor�s dans la Cha�ne ex�g�tique grecque et dans l'�pitom� de Procope de Gaza. Il existe toutefois une ancienne traduction arm�nienne compl�te (�d. V. Hovhannessian, 1980). � cette documentation s'ajoutent des fragments syriaques conserv�s dans le Commentaire d'Iso'dad de Merv (IXe si�cle). Le pr�sent volume regroupe les quatre rameaux de la tradition. Du Commentaire arm�nien, dont le texte est reproduit en entier, on trouve ici la premi�re traduction dans une langue moderne. Les fragments grecs (dont ceux de Procope �dit�s ici pour la premi�re fois) et syriaques sont �galement accompagn�s de traductions fran�aises annot�es. Le volume permet, d�s lors, pour la premi�re fois une vue d'ensemble de ce commentaire dont l'importance consiste en son originalit� et en sa position interm�diaire entre l'ancienne ex�g�se syriaque et l'ex�g�se grecque antiochienne de la fin du IVe et du Ve si�cle.Eusebius of Emesa's Commentary on Genesis, which was written in Greek around the middle of the fourth century, is extant only in fragments preserved in the Greek exegetical Catena and in Procopius of Gaza's Epitome. An early translation of the entire Commentary, however, exists in Armenian (ed. V. Hovhannessian, 1980). In addition, Syriac fragments are preserved in the ninth-century Commentary by Iso'dad of Merv.The present volume brings together the four branches of the tradition. The Armenian Commentary is presented both in Armenian and in a French translation, the first translation in a modern language. The Greek fragments (those of Procopius edited here for the first time) as well as the Syriac fragments are also accompanied with annotated French translations. The present volume, therefore, enables for the first time a comprehensive view of this Commentary, the significance of which lies in the originality of its approach as well as in its intermediary position between ancient Syriac exegesis and Greek Antiochene exegesis of the late fourth and fifth centuries., Eusebius of Emesas Commentary on Genesis, which was written in Greek around the middle of the fourth century, is extant only in fragments preserved in the Greek exegetical Catena and in Procopius of Gazas Epitome. An early translation of the entire Commentary, however, exists in Armenian (ed. V. Hovhannessian, 1980). In addition, Syriac fragments are preserved in the ninth-century Commentary by Iso'dad of Merv. The present volume brings together the four branches of the tradition. The Armenian Commentary is presented both in Armenian and in a French translation, the first translation in a modern language. The Greek fragments (those of Procopius edited here for the first time) as well as the Syriac fragments are also accompanied with annotated French translations. The present volume, therefore, enables for the first time a comprehensive view of this Commentary, the significance of which lies in the originality of its approach as well as in its intermediary position between ancient Syriac exegesis and Greek Antiochene exegesis of the late fourth and fifth centuries.

Read online book Traditio Exegetica Graeca: Eusebe d'Emese. Commentaire de la Genese : Texte Armenien de l'Edition de Venise (1980), Fragments Grecs et Syriaques, Avec Traductions 15 by J.J.S. Weitenberg in MOBI, EPUB, TXT

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